Data protection information of the mdw
for the website "mdw Connect" ( according to Art. 13 GDPR

Table of contents

§1  Controller and scope
§2  What is personal data?
§3  What personal data do we collect, process and use?
§4  User profiles / use of cookies
§5  Integrated services
§6  Security measures to protect the data stored by us
§7  Hyperlinks to external websites
§8  Revocation / objection
§9  Information about your personal data stored by us/storage period/deletion
§10 Legal remedies


This summary is intended to provide users of the Connect mdw platform with orientation and to make the contents of the data protection information easier to understand. If you agree to this data protection information, the provisions of §1-§9 apply.

Basic information on the processing of user data

  • All user data on Connect mdw is processed in compliance with the GDPR.
  • No data will be passed on to third parties, unless users identify themselves as members of one or more mdw-associated associations using the master data they have filled in themselves. In this case, the corresponding user data is sometimes also passed on to the respective association, but exclusively for the fulfillment of the association's purpose.
  • The website only uses functional cookies; user data is not tracked or stored for any purposes other than those required to provide the functionalities and services of mdw Connect.
  • In order to make it easier for users to fill in their profile data in German and English, DeepL API Pro is integrated as an external service.
  • All user data is stored in encrypted form.
  • Users can exercise their right to information and deletion at any time. Please contact:

Data usage

The data to be provided for registration (with the exception of "first name" and the first letter of the "surname", "country", "connection to mdw" and "field(s) of study") cannot be viewed by other users under any circumstances. This data is used exclusively:

  • to contact users by the mdw as part of the services of mdw Connect
  • to contact users by e-mail in the event of contact by other users, whereby the e-mail addresses are not disclosed
  • for statistical evaluations within the mdw
  • for tracking and contacting users in the event of misuse of the platform (e.g. for advertising purposes) or in the event of suspected violations of the law (such as defamation or incitement to hatred).

Further data that you fill out in your profile area is used for the processing and administration of the services on Connect mdw and can be viewed by other registered users of the platform in the following cases:

  • When profiles are displayed when searching for users.
  • For members of the same group.

It is not possible to view the entire user database under any circumstances.

In addition, the mdw may use user email addresses for the administration of other services on the platform, e.g. for the administration of events (reminders, information about location and/or date changes).

§1 Controller and scope of application

The mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna (hereinafter "mdw") is committed to the responsible handling of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The following is a detailed legal explanation of the purposes for which we use your data and what happens to your data when you use (hereinafter "Connect mdw") and its services.

Current changes to the law or changes to our processes may make it necessary to adapt this data protection information. You will be notified of any changes relevant to you by email. The data protection information can be accessed, saved and printed at any time at

§2 What is personal data?

Personal data is any information that can be used to find out personal or factual circumstances about you (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth or email address). Information that we cannot (or only with disproportionate effort) link to your person, e.g. by anonymizing the information, is not personal data.

§3 What personal data do we collect, process and use?

We use your personal data exclusively to offer you a comprehensive service via mdw Connect and to provide the requested services.
Your personal data will not be used for any other purpose. Your data will not be used for advertising purposes. Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties. An exception to this rule is made in the following cases:

  • if we are legally obliged to disclose data (information to law enforcement authorities and courts; information to public authorities that receive data due to legal regulations, e.g. social security institutions, tax authorities, etc.): Social insurance institutions, tax authorities, etc.) or
  • when we involve third parties bound to professional secrecy to enforce our claims.

Personal data is used for the following areas of activity:

Your personal data is used exclusively for the administration of the functionalities of mdw Connect (targeted contacting of other users for 1:1 networking, groups, events, mentoring wiki, forum). Mandatory information to be provided here: E-mail address, first name, last name, gender, date of birth, postal address, country, connection to the mdw and current professional activity.

This data is processed for the following purposes:

  • E-mailing of inquiries between users
  • E-mailing of reminders in the event of prolonged inactivity despite ongoing mentorships
  • Administration of events: Reminders, location or date changes by e-mail
  • Processing of payments (incl. (incl. sending payment reminders and reminders by post or email)
  • Statistical evaluations
  • Traceability of users in the event of misuse of the platform

mdw-associated associations

If you as a user have specified in your profile (master data -> Connection to mdw) that you are a member of one of the associations listed there, your data entered on Connect mdw will sometimes be passed on to these associations if it serves to achieve the association's goals. The associations have made a written commitment to the mdw to process this data in accordance with data protection law. You can object to this transfer at any time by sending an email to

§4 User profiles / use of cookies

The mdw does not create any personal user profiles, except in the cases mentioned above. In connection with the retrieval of the services requested by you, data is only stored on our servers in anonymized form for the provision of our various services or for evaluation purposes. General information is processed, e.g. when which content from our website is accessed.

We use so-called "cookies" (small text files with configuration information) on These are used exclusively for functional purposes. When you access mdw Connect for the first time, you will be asked whether you agree to the use of cookies. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, certain features of mdw Connect may not be available to their full extent. You can change the settings for the use of cookies at any time in your profile area.

Cookies are small text files that are sent from our web server to your browser when you use mdw Connect and are stored on your computer for later retrieval. We use so-called session cookies (also known as temporary cookies), i.e. cookies that are only stored temporarily for the duration of your use of our platform. At the end of the session, once you have exited our platform, the cookies are deleted (session cookies).

Other cookies (especially long-term cookies) remain on your computer and enable us to recognize your computer on your next visit. These cookies are used to greet you with your user name and make it unnecessary to re-enter your password or fill out forms with your data. The cookies generated have an expiry date of 14 months (shortest possible data retention period). Our cooperation partners are not permitted to collect, process or use personal data via our platform using cookies.

§5 Integrated services

In order to support users in filling out their data in English and German, DeepL API Pro is integrated as an external service on Connect mdw. Translated texts are NOT saved permanently by DeepL.
Details on the use of data by DeepL can be found at -> 5. Texts and translations - DeepL Translator Pro / DeepL API Pro.

§6 Security measures to protect the data we store

We are committed to protecting your privacy and treating your personal data confidentially. In order to prevent the loss or misuse of the data stored by us, we take extensive technical and organizational security precautions, which are regularly reviewed and adapted to technological progress. However, we would like to point out that due to the structure of the Internet, it is possible that the rules of data protection and the above-mentioned security measures may not be observed by other persons or institutions outside our area of responsibility. In particular, unencrypted data - even if sent by e-mail - may be read by third parties. We have no technical influence over this. It is the responsibility of the individual user to protect the data provided by them against misuse through encryption or in any other way.

§7 Hyperlinks to external websites

Our platform contains hyperlinks (cross-references) to websites of other providers. If you activate such a hyperlink, you will be forwarded directly from our platform to the platform of other providers. You can recognize this by the change of URL, among other things. We cannot accept any responsibility for the confidential handling of your data on third-party websites, as we have no influence on whether these companies comply with data protection regulations. Please obtain information about the handling of your personal data by these companies directly from these websites.

§8 Revocation / objection

We would like to point out that you can revoke any consent you have given at any time with effect for the future and also object to the processing and use of your data at any time: Please contact us at or by post at our address Alumni Relations, mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna.

Consent to data processing for the administration of the services of the platform
In the case of my registration on mdw Connect, I agree that the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts may process my full name, date of birth, postal address, gender and e-mail address as well as other information provided by me for the purpose of processing and administering my registration in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

I confirm that I am over 18 years of age if I contact you.

I am aware that the granting of my above consent is voluntary and that I can revoke my consent to the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts at any time.

§9 Information on your personal data stored by us / Storage period / Deletion

We only store your personal data for as long as this is permitted by law. The stored personal data will be deleted if the user revokes his/her consent to storage or if knowledge of this data is no longer required to fulfill the purpose for which it was stored, in particular if the user profile is deleted or if its storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons.

As a data subject, you have the right vis-à-vis the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts to:

  • disclosure,
  • rectification,
  • erasure,
  • restriction,
  • data portability and
  • restriction of further processing.

At your request, we will be happy to inform you which of your personal data we have stored. If, despite our efforts to keep your data correct and up-to-date, we have stored incorrect data, we will correct it immediately.

You can check, correct or delete the personal data provided to us at any time by sending us an email to or by writing to us at the postal address Alumni Relations, mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna.

If you wish to have the stored data deleted, this deletion will also take place at your request by the 15th of the following month. If deletion is not possible for legal reasons, the respective data will be blocked instead. Please note, however, that if your data is deleted, we will no longer be able to offer you the services described here.

§10 Legal remedies

You have the right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability and objection. Please contact us for this. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection claims have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Austria, the data protection authority ( is responsible.
As of: October 2024