


I did not receive an email to verify my email address.

  1. Please check your spam folder and - if you have access to it - also your spam filter.
    (For mdw e-mail addresses, you can find the spam filter at

  2. Enter the email addresses and (this is the system's back-up address) in the "Safelist" of your email account and trigger the sending of the email on the Connect mdw website again.

  3. If you still do not receive an email, please contact the Connect mdw team ( and, if possible, let us know which browser, operating system, email provider and email client you are using.


Can I search for specific people/names?
Yes. Please use the free text field ("Refine your search by entering additional search terms.").
NOTE: The search is only activated by clicking on the "Search" button (not by pressing the "Enter" key.)

The search does not work.
The search is only activated with the "Search" button. Did you perhaps press the "Enter" key instead?

Why do I only get three search results?
You will see the three user profiles that most closely match the search criteria you entered.

Below these three search results, you can click "Click here to see more results" to display the next three user profiles in order, step by step.